Hans Ulrich Obrist in conversation with Christian Herren (with jrp ringier and Postmedia-books)

In the context of the exhibition "Curare il Curatore" in Bern (curated by Christian Herren) and in collaboration with Postmedia-books (Milan) and jrp ringier (Zurich), the cultural agency organised a panel discussion on today's forms of curation and their future, with Hans Ulrich Obrist as a guest.
In 2004, German journalist Hanno Rauterberg expressed his indignation at the statement "Artists are critics, critics are curators and curators are artists" in the "Zeit" and called for clearer demarcations between the various players in the art business. He believed that the role of curator in particular needed to be clearly defined. Today, a clear definition is more impossible than ever, as even clothes shops are "curated".
In "A Brief History of Curating" (jrp ringier, 2008), Hans Ulrich Obrist presents various pioneering curators in an interview format, providing a coherent collection of interviews that has become part of the art historical research canon.